
International Women's Day

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day.  It is a day when men and women celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women the world over, past and present. In some countries, today is a national holiday. I first learned of this day a number of years ago in Italy, where the women were given a sprig of Mimosas (the flower, not the drink!) at a restaurant. While hardly even heard of in the United States, I would like to recognize the women in my life, who inspire me every day.

From my mom, who got her bachelor's degree in medical technology at a time that few women even attended college, to my sister, who's about to be sworn in as the Department of Justice's Director of Violence Against Women, to my daughter, who is by my side every day in business and inspires me to do my best always, to all the other women friends, family and business associates. Here's to you, and thanks for all you do!

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