
Season of Thanks...

Thanksgiving is Thursday! And Christmas is soon to follow. As we enter the holiday season, please remember that though it is the season of gift-giving and receiving, it is also a time to be thankful for the friends and family you have to spend it with. And if they are giving you gifts, you should return them some appreciation. This may be in the form of a gift in return, but it absolutely should be with a heartfelt handwritten thank you. Do NOT email it. Not only is it inappropriate, it also shows a lack of proper appreciation for the gift as well as the time and effort the giver put into finding something they thought you would like. Now, you might ask, do I really need to send a thank you if I said it verbally? YES! would be the answer. 

It does not have to be a long thank you note, and the handwriting doesn't have to be perfect. You can make it a simple "Thank you for the beautiful cashmere scarf. I have the perfect coat to wear it with and can't wait to use it during the winter season." or "I love the engagement ring you picked out. It's perfect! And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!" Something along those lines. If you need help, get a book. A couple good ones are: Writing Thank You Notes by Gabriella Goodwin & David Macfarlane; and Just Write: The Art of Personal Correcspondence by Molly O'Shaughnessy that is more about corresponding than specifically writing thank you notes.

If you need further advice on writing your thank you notes and reasons to do so, this is a great article that was published in the Wisconsin Bride Magazine in 2006. Though it is particular to weddings, the reasons and methods pertain to everyday life as well.


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