Totally off the subject of stationery, we take you to the subject of life and Reinvention!
If you've never read
More Magazine, you should. They celebrate all women over 40! However, I just turned 30 (boy, even that's hard to say, since it's an unfortunately recent occurence that I'm not yet used to...) and I have stolen every issue from my mother for the past few years (sometimes I try to steal it before she reads it!). I think I even introduced her to it and definitely introduced my aunt to it! It's a great magazine! I love it because it isn't a fluff magazine. Though there is information in there about fashion, it touches on issues that are pertinent to life at 20, 40 or 60. And the articles are interesting.
So more to the point. This year, as they have for the last 3 years,
More Magazine hosted their Annual Reinvention Convention. There were over 500 attendees, not including the press! The convention was at a cost of $295. Registration began at 7am followed by breakfast and also included lunch and morning and afternoon snacks and ended at 5:30. There was also a book store where you could pick up books by each of the speakers and later have it autographed. Upon registration, we were provided with a Reinvention Convention booklet of information with the schedule for the day and bios for the speakers, along with a nicely bound More Magazine lined journal for our use throughout the day. Each attendee was given a bedazzled More t-shirt, was free to take Jean Chatzky's book "The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times", and a favor bag at the end of the day.
This was the first year mom and I attended and it is also the first year they are taking the convention on the road -- previously mentioned to Washington, DC and Chicago, IL. Since we work together, we enjoy stealing away to New York -- any excuse is a good one. Usually we go for business, but this time it was personal. We needed some inspiration. And we certainly got it! There were some great speakers in attendance -- Laura Bush, Nora and Delia Ephron and Mika Brzezinski to name a few, each talking about ways in which they reinvented their life or career. If you're into finance information, Jean Chatzky who is often featured on the Today Show was there. If you're into health and fitness issues, Pam Peeke was there. If you're into fashion, Giorgio Armani was there with makeup brushes in hand and Talbots sponsored a booth showcasing scarves and how to tie them. There was also a Tarot Card reader!
My all-time favorite speaker was Barbara Corcoran. If you're not familiar with her, I'll give you some background. During her high school and college years, she got straight D's. She had gone through 20 jobs by the time she turned 23. But, soon after, she borrowed $1000 from her slick boyfriend and become one of the most successful people in real estate today. She eventually turned her $1,000 loan into a $5 billion dollar real estate business and eventually sold it for $70 million dollars! She was hilarious and insightful!
Every issue that can come up at some time in your life was covered in one way or another -- finance, health, sex, life and career change, fashion & beauty, social media and giving back to the world around you. I highly recommend this convention to you. It covers not only career change, but personal change is highly emphasized. Sometimes, we just need some help.
This Convention was well worth the $295 dollars we paid and the $205 we didn't pay, not only for the insight of the speakers present, but also because this was a great networking opportunity. There were many people there who had previously been employees of companies, are currently or that currently head up large companies as well. I certainly would've paid more and recommend that if you have the opportunity you go to one of the shows in Washington, DC or Chicago, IL. And when you do go, don't forget to take your personalized calling cards with you to help make those connections long-lasting. I don't yet know that they will have the same speakers at each convention as this is the first year they've taken it on the road. Though they don't currently have information about the upcoming schedule, I can tell you both venues are to be in 2010; you should take a look at their website and keep an eye out for further information:
I should also point out that they will be hosting a 1/2 Marathon in April 2010, though the date hasn't yet been announced, so I imagine is subject to change. But something to keep in mind if you want to get in shape or want to take a vacation. Though I am loathe to admit it, I have gained more weight than I care to admit to myself or the world, but am aiming to prepare for it -- no easy task as exercise isn't my friend. I hope you'll join me -- I can always use the support as I think every woman can!